martes, 21 de abril de 2015

The Gestalt Principles - Graphic Design


This happens when some objects are group together but not joined to each other to build a new figure.


This concept explains that some objects can be placed to recreate kind of way and at the end viewer finds something to catch their attention.

Figure and Ground

When a ground space allows to perceive a figure due to the sorrounding area. The relation created between figure and ground has the idea to recreate the entrance from one dimension to another one.


This concept has the capacity of play with the mind of the viewer due to the fact that a figure can take two kinds of shapes according to the perspective of the person, in this case can be seeing a cube or 2 rhombuses.


When some objects are placed close, it can be 
identified as a group.


The idea consist in suggest to the viewer that exist a object in the background that is locked out by figures.

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