jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

Me Designer


The following poster runs four pillars: personal vision, creation, composition and modeling of new virtual worlds as a reference the environment and atmosphere in which we live daily. A 3D artist always is guided by the study of behavior of living things in order to give a touch of realism, fluidity and quality in the area that performs the human being , by modeling, texturing, animation, lighting, composition and rendering.
In the poster I see myself like a 3D artist whose background base is represented by rounded shapes and that also shows the natural world. On a second level there are five pillars representing departments for a 3D project concluded: Modelation, animation, texturing, lighting and rendering . These five pillars give the feel of a hand that is manipulating the object located at the top.
Finally, on the third level you will find a six sided polygon (hexagon) in 3D which means the recreation of virtual world from just polygons. the Color management will work with the theory of analogous colors as a result of a low contrast. The range is handled in three colors: 2 shades of green tint one being a neutral color, while the other represents the natural environment plus the blue tint that represents the virtual environment.

Gustavo A. Parra C.
Design Principles B

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